Discipline will follow

Jonathan woke up early to make some coffee, check his calendar, and look into his emails. He prepared breakfast and took his kids to school.

He’s been doing this for the last 3 years.

Jonathan is a single dad.

He has managed to juggle parenthood and work. It’s been tough, but he makes it work. Lots of organizing and structure and help from the kids.

It’s him against the world. And he is ready.

A big presentation is coming and the only thing he thinks about is how it could evolve into a promotion and improve the quality of life of his family. He rehearses his presentation on the daily walks he takes after work. He wears a headset on “off” to appear to be speaking to someone through it, and not that he is speaking to himself.

Every piece of his day has a purpose.

At work he is well liked and respected, which also means there’s people that don’t like him. They feel outshined. They criticize him behind his back. They follow every move he makes, just to use anything against him.

But they can’t.

Life has made Jonathan follow a schedule to juggle parenthood and work. Life has given him meaning in the form of his children. Life pushed him to be disciplined to keep everything together.

And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Jonathan has already been approved for a promotion. He doesn’t know yet, but he certainly acts as if he did.

You want to be more efficient? Put it in a calendar. Follow it.

You want to add consistency? Add meaning. Your meaning.

Discipline will follow.

Enjoy the ride.


Kayla’s simple decision process


The power of ‘no’